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How to become a fully plant-based nutritional snack brand?

Views : 1217
Author : Nicola Wu
Update time : 2023-05-10 16:36:21



How to become a fully plant-based nutritional snack brand?


How to become a fully plant-based nutritional snack brand?
It’s as easy as 1-2-3
1. Choose real food as nutrition.
2. Gluten-free, cleaning protein, real impact.
3. Planet Friendly, Plastic-free. Challenging ourselves to progress packaging, like increasing compostable packaging content, or recyclable.
Say goodbye to plastic snack wrappers, lead the way for nutrition brands on compostable packaging!
Almost all of the plastic ever created still exists. BPS is helping to fight single-use plastic with our plastic-free compostable packaging. During the composting process, the packaging fully breaks down within 180 days. The materials then return to the soil leaving no adverse effects on the environment, which are fully accredited by Home compostable standards.
We've done the hard work so you don't have to. Our experienced team works exclusively with the most sustainable packaging and innovative packaging materials in the world.


Contact us for unique compostable packaging!

Let us make sustainability easy.
Sustainable materials. Flexible minimums. 

Blog Author: Nicola Wu

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