Industry News

World's Trend of Food Packaging towards Compostable Pouch

Views : 1526
Author : Grace
Update time : 2020-12-31 11:05:04

World’s Trend of Food Packaging towards Compostable Pouch


Tons of non-decomposable plastic wastes are discarded every day. This has made serious impacts on the global environment and human health. In order to change this, governments and enterprises around the world have taken a series of actions to help people turn to using self-decomposed products instead of plastic ones.
Packaging like compostable pouch or biodegradable pouch is becoming the packaging trends which will have a greater impact on customers’ decisions and will be more critical to product and brand success as well as enable effective differentiation in the future.


Going Green – Compostable Pouches are popular

The scientists specified that the sunlight-free decomposition process of plastic bags can take from 500 to 1,000 years. Even when they have decomposed into the soil, polyethylene will make the soil inert and not keep water and essential nutrients for crops. Because of containing lead, cadmium, (in the ink creating colors on packages), plastic bags can damage human brain, which is the major cause of lung cancer.
These harms make compostable pouches become more familiar to people from developed countries like European countries. They are systematically used and gradually favored as these products are better for human health and the environment.
Moving forward to reach the same goal of environmental protection and becoming a sustainable enterprise


"Take from nature, and give back to nature”. BPS compostable pouches are backyard friendly and can also be composted in a commercial composting facility, where higher composting temperatures can be reached and compost between 90-180 days. Since 2018, BPS biodegradable and compostable bags have been widely used as food packaging bags to pack: dried foods, nuts, cookies, candies, gummies, granola, cereals, health supplements, vitamins, health powders, fruits, vegetables, pet foods, and a wide variety of food and non-food products.
Compostable means that a product can break down into small pieces of carbon dioxide, water, inorganic compounds and biomass in about 90 days. This rate is similar to items you might see in a backyard compost, such as leaves and paper. Compost works because millions of tiny microbes consume the waste and transform the organic material into compost. Compost has many beneficial uses including fertilizing and improving soil health — plus, it doesn’t leave toxic residue behind because it’s already organic.
If you care about the earth and the future, let us pack greener together!
Click Compostable Pouch to connect with BPS that produces a variety of sustainable packaging solutions.

Blog Author: Grace Huang
Blog Editor: Jasmine Zhang
Contact BPS Team:

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