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What Benefits Can You Get from Flexible Packaging?

Views : 936
Update time : 2022-06-14 15:54:26

What Benefits Can You Get from Flexible Packaging?


What Is Flexible Packaging?
Flexible packaging is an eco-friendly packaging alternative to the large plastic tubs commonly found in the protein industry (also known as “rigid” packaging). Flexible packaging stems from easily pliable materials using any combination of paper, plastic film, or foil. When filled, the pouches can readily change shape.
Historically, the shift has been from glass to rigid plastic to reduce weight and shipping costs. Now, there is an increasing trend towards flexible packaging alternatives, particularly in the food (food packaging bags) and beverage industry (beverage packaging), due to the environmental & sustainability benefits.
Rigid packaging is just that, stiff and hard. More from dense materials such as hard plastics, rigid containers are typically molded or blown to a shape that, without permanent deformation, is not flexible when you think of rigid packaging.
Like most plastics, rigid protein tubs originate from a petroleum derivative commonly known as High-Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE), a thermoplastic polymer. It is one of the more versatile plastic materials making it a common packaging choice in the industry. In addition to protein tubs, HDPE is everywhere within the food and healthcare industry, providing the transport protection everything from jugs to shampoo bottles.
Environmental Benefits of Flexible Packaging
In terms of the “total life cycle” of flexible packaging, from initial production to the landfill, the environmental benefits greatly outweigh the typical rigid, hard plastic containers.

  • Reduced Packaging Waste
Flexible packaging requires much less material to produce, making it more environmentally friendly like compostable pouch & recyclable pouch. The packaging industry refers to this as the product-to-packaging ratio.
  • Lower Carbon Emissions
Flexible pouches are lightweight and ship flat, which, in turn, require less transportation and storage space. Fewer pallets and fewer trucks result in reduced carbon emissions and fuel consumption during transportation.
  • Less Landfill Space
When picturing the storage space required for a flexible pouch vs. a plastic tub as described above, fast forward to the last step in the packaging “life cycle”… the landfill.
Consumer Benefits of Flexible Packaging
  • Flexible Packaging Retains Product Freshness
  • Consumer Convenience
  • Saving Space
  • Saving Shipping Cost
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