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How Should You Choose Packaging for Pet Foods?

Views : 1238
Author : Nicola
Update time : 2021-02-18 21:30:00

How Should You Choose Packaging for Pet Foods?


It seems that pet food products are becoming ever more influenced by human food and drink trends, and at a much faster rate than seen previously. Some of the hottest trends in pet food include gluten-free and grain-free options, sustainable sourcing and premium ingredients that wouldn’t be out of place on a fine-dining menu.
This creates an interesting quandary for manufacturers of pet foods. With such a wide range of options for pet food packaging, how is the packaging industry taking advantage of this opportunity?
In the pet food and pet treats marketplace, your packaging can greatly influence the success of your product. In consumers’ minds, the quality of a product’s packaging speaks to the quality of the product inside. There are a couple of options when it comes to choosing the right packaging. In terms of formats, pouches are a popular option. BPS supplies side gusset pouch, flat bottom pouch, and stand up pouch for various pet foods and functionality treat products.
Offering a compact structure and lower weight ratio, stand up pouches have increasingly grown in popularity. The variety of closure mechanisms combined with practical improvements to shelf life, waste and reusability strike the perfect balance between packaging form and function. For example, higher quality pet foods made with human-grade ingredients require a high barrier packaging. These premium products are typically higher in fats and meat content than conventional kibble, with lower percentages of inert, shelf-stable ingredients such as grains and soy.
Besides, consumers’ attitude to pet food is driven by environmental concerns. Shoppers who demand ethically, sustainably or organically sourced ingredients in their own foods expect their pets’ diets to meet the same standards. That’s why BPS  has been developing multiple sustainable packaging solutions for the Pet Food industry, including compostable pouch, recyclable pouch and plastic saving packaging.
“The 2020 pandemic has brought both pet owners’ desires for sustainable products and their use of e-commerce channels for product purchasing into sharp relief.
2021 has arrived, and with it new ways of looking at the pet food industry. 2020 wrought significant changes on the way everyone does business, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, and 2021 is going to be all about adaptation and innovation in moving forward., LINDSAY BEATON mentioned.
Visit BPS hat offers a full range of packaging solutions for the pet food industry: at


Blog Author: Nicola
Blog Editor: Jasmine
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