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Are you getting truly Eco-friendly Child Resistant cannabis packaging?

Views : 1088
Author : Nicola
Update time : 2020-09-18 16:53:53

Are you getting truly Eco-friendly Child Resistant cannabis packaging?


Packaging is a huge part of cannabis product compliance, but oftentimes compliant packages are made from materials that will sit in a landfill for eternity. The Cannabis and CBD industries have a major plastic problem. When it comes to choosing sustainable packaging, the options can be overwhelming. What kind of eco-friendly child resistant packaging will you consider for your cannabis products?
Child Resistant Paper Tube?
The CR paper tube features a small button that must be pushed when pulling the tube apart from its lid. This packaging is customizable and made from recyclable paper. However this packaging is not completely air-tight, without enough barrier performance.
Child Resistant Recyclable pouch?
The bags themselves are also made of mono plastic and are fully recyclable as well.
It has high barrier to keep the product as fresh as possible and smell proof, which you can find in Best packaging solution. All options allow for an abundance of branding and marketing space on the exterior of the package.
Child Resistant multi-use boxes?
Some suppliers make their storage boxes in a way that allows them to be re-used as stash/storage boxes for years after their original function has been completed. If they are biodegradable they may eventually work their way back into the ecosystem but if not they are no better than single use straws or other plastic packages. However, it will cost higher than child resistant pouch and some regular stand up pouch.
Child resistant Paper Pouch?
When it comes to child resistant pouch, if the biodegradable option is possible?
Although BPS have developed the high barrier compostable pouch which perfectly suits cannabis, the compostable child-resistant zipper is still not available at this stage. Then, plastic-saving child resistant paper pouch. It made of kraft paper with metalized materials, it will reduce around 50% plastic compared to other regular cannabis stand up pouches in the market, which you can use to advertise your eco-friendly bags. 
If you are looking for eco-friendly CR Packaging that is not only certified child resistant, but also more space saving, easy filling and cost effective, you can expect all these features from child resistant pouches, Kraft paper pouch!
As consumers, which option you prefer? It must be the cheaper one! So, kraft paper child resistant pouch.
I agreed with Cara Wietstock, ”the consumer dictates the market. If consumers begin to focus on products that are pesticide-free and packaged with recyclable materials then the brands will follow. “
BPS delivers quality Eco-friendly, child resistant and plastic free products to customers at affordable prices. With an impressive selection that is continuously growing, we guarantee you’ll find what you need.

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